High-Grade Nickel Sulphide Deposit Data

Open Data for Independent Analysis

The internet and social media has transformed the world in many ways. It has profoundly impacted investor communication. Where historically investors relied on gatekeeper brokers and the company for news and analysis now many investors are fully capable of making their own assessment of a resource projects merits.

At Power Nickel we want to embrace this new world and give our independent analysts the information they need to model the deposit. Will also share along the way our insights and how we view exploring NISK and why we are so bullish on our ability to develop a major commercial nickel sulphide resource.

You can explore all our data interactively using the table below or if you prefer to explore in your own way you can click here to download all NISK data. There you will find a full excel database of our drill holes together with other useful information that you can use to do your due diligence on the NISK deposit.

If you have access to Leapfrog software you can also click here to download the NISK Leapfrog file for your own extensive exploration of our data; including: the geological model, the long section/economic model, and all of the drilling with geology and assays.

We look forward to your transparent review of our data and to you coming to the same conclusion we have: NISK represents the best risk reward play in junior nickel exploration.

Data is in the process of being updated to reflect 2024 Drilling Campaign and will be posted shortly.

Explore NISK Data